How to use ChatGPT in your foreign language classroom
May 15, 2023
Unless you live under a rock you’ve heard about ChatGPT over the last few months. Since its release in November 2022, it’s had a huge influence on education. And second language education is no different.Many educators are concerned about ChatGPT and its implications — especially as it relates to assessments and possible job automation. But don’t listen to the doomsayers. ChatGPT is a useful tool for you and your students.In this article, you’ll learn about how you can use ChatGPT in your classroom to teach a foreign language.
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6 proven ways to improve your students’ foreign language fluency and accuracy
March 14, 2023
Vocabulary and grammar dominate language teaching courses and textbooks. Unfortunately, this means your students are getting short-changed. They’re missing out on other key skills. And it’s easy for them to get sucked into an accuracy-is-everything mindset. But don’t worry — there are things you can do to give your students well-balanced language lessons. In this article we’ll cover one important, but often overlooked, kind of activity: fluency development practice.
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Help your students master a foreign language through meaningful output
March 14, 2023
You can think of language learning like a puzzle. For acquisition to take place, the right pieces need to be in the right place. We know enough about how second-language learning works to know it’s not as simple as learning some grammar. Or listening to YouTube videos. Or spending 3 minutes per day on a gamified language-learning app. To really learn a foreign language, your students need to combine the right types of activities. And one of those activities is producing meaningful output.
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Increase comprehensible input to boost language learning
March 14, 2023
Foreign-language teaching is ever-changing. We’ve gone from translating classic texts to learning languages on our smartphones and studying abroad. And we’ve seen grammar translation, the audio-lingual method, and total-physical response all fall by the wayside. But one thing has remained constant since the 1970s — comprehensible input.
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